8 Strategies for Increasing Productivity While Working From Home

During the global epidemic, several businesses closed or decided to transition to totally remote labor. And, if you’ve never worked from home before, it cannot be easy.

While working from home has advantages such as no commute, a more flexible schedule, and fewer workplace distractions, it also has drawbacks that can lead to decreased productivity and exhaustion.

As we all adjust to this new normal, here are some strategies you can use right away to stay productive and lead your team while working from home:

Have time to plan.

Giving yourself time and space to plan is essential for success. This phase is critical because you may need to deviate from your original plan depending on how the coronavirus has affected your business. Setting aside time to plan the forthcoming week will assist you in developing a proactive mentality and provide you with direction and guidance to save time on chores that will not move the needle.

Begin by planning out each week ahead of time. Make a list of everything that needs to be done and make a plan to keep on track. Maintain a running list of tasks to perform, keeping in mind the oversized boulder items that must be completed this quarter or month to meet your year-end goals. These objectives will serve as checkpoints to keep you on track week after week. Spend an hour after each week with a list of objectives, planning your week.

By making a plan, you may start your week with direction and purpose while keeping your long-term goals in mind.

Prioritize your tasks

Things are currently in constant motion. Adaptability and dealing with new issues as they occur are critical. This does not, however, imply that you should abandon your weekly plan if anything unexpected happens. Instead, plan ahead of time and prioritize your duties.

It’s not just about getting more things done; it’s about getting the right things done. Unless you prioritize your tasks, everything appears significant at the time. Examine your present timetable. A solid rule of thumb is prioritizing your duties and weekly goal-setting. By reviewing your responsibilities, you’ll be able to see what needs to be done and what can be transferred or delegated to someone else.

Set a routine

Working from home provides a great deal of flexibility, from when you begin your day to the number of breaks you take and everything in between. While this freedom can be liberating, it can also contribute to feelings of disorganization and inefficiency. Setting a weekly schedule is the simplest method to stay organized.

Work on the same types of tasks at once

Speaking of routines and planning, a simple productivity hack uses block scheduling to put comparable chores into a single batch throughout the week. By grouping similar jobs together, you can get into a rhythm and begin working faster and more efficiently.

Setting up your blocks is easy: Determine the length of time it will take to execute everyday tasks such as business growth or emails. Then add it to your calendar like you would a meeting or event.

Once you’ve established a plan, you may track how long each batch of work takes. Did you stick to your plan? Do you require more or fewer hours to finish your tasks? Once you’ve figured out your working patterns, employ them to hold yourself accountable and productive.

Give yourself time for interruptions

Whatever you plan, things that require your attention will come up throughout the week. A good rule of thumb is to leave room in your schedule for things to go wrong. This extra time slot is a buffer throughout the day in case of an emergency or something time-sensitive.

Depending on your job, you may require more slush time than others; for example, if you work in real estate, you may need to allow more time for calls and other distractions than someone with a more stable routine. Consider starting with an extra hour per day. If you require it, excellent; if not, you now have time to work on another project.

Open communication channels and, if necessary, overcommunicate.

Working remotely can leave individuals detached, so whether you’re working with a team or clients, you’ll want to improve communication. Consider organizing daily or weekly check-ins with your team to keep channels of communication open if you haven’t already. When people rely on you, it’s critical to remain on top of emails, keep Slack open, and let people know when you’ll be away from the computer. If remaining available is distracting, let people know when you will be available to talk if an emergency arises.

Take breaks when necessary.

Nobody can focus for eight hours on end. When you work from home, it’s easy for the lines between work and non-work time to blur. Remember that it is acceptable to take pauses while working. Some people recommend the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working in 25-minute chunks, taking 5-minute breaks, and taking a longer rest after four rounds. Other methods include working for 50 minutes and taking a 10- or 17-minute break. You can use your break time to stretch, meditate, or stroll. Breaking up your day and moving your body refreshes you and can enhance your productivity. Try several things to see what works best for you.

Close your email

Currently, you may feel tethered to your email. How do you send and receive the majority of your messages today? Email might be the most time-consuming task and the quickest way to derail your schedule. Instead of spending hours in your inbox or constantly checking your email, devote two times per day to email management. This enables you to manage your email instead of having your email manage you.

If productivity is not your strong suit and you need to figure out where to begin, you do not need to go it alone. Schedule a free two-hour consultation with Cultivate Advisors to analyze your business and formulate a strategy.

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